We Over Me – Women’s Study
Fellowship HallWe Over Me - Letters of Hope from Revelation A 9-Session Study from Whitney Capps It’s not about you. (And what a relief.) It’s easy to get frustrated with the local church—we see the people…
We Over Me - Letters of Hope from Revelation A 9-Session Study from Whitney Capps It’s not about you. (And what a relief.) It’s easy to get frustrated with the local church—we see the people…
Ladies! Join us on Sunday evenings for prayer & worship! We will meet at 5pm in Room WC101. Led by Stephanie Cheak
Marriage Reimagined. As a part of Grace Marriage, couples will continually Assess, Engage and Grow – so they’ll know where their marriage is and where to go next. It’s not a program, it’s an onging…
Love is in the air, and so is the smell of a sizzling steak! Seniors, join us for a special evening of great food, fellowship, and worship at our B.A.S.I.C. Group’s Annual Valentine’s Steak…
Join us for a delicious meal each Wednesday evening!
Bible Drill – Hide God’s Word in Your Heart!
Join us Sundays at 4 PM in the Children’s Building (upstairs) for Bible Drill! Open to 4th–12th graders, this program helps students memorize Scripture,…
Meets Sundays, 5-6pm in the Worship Center. Join me as we look at what it means to be a man in God’s Kingdom. No homework, no textbook except your Bible. This is a discussion-based meeting.…
On Sunday nights, we gather to grow together in the Lord. We have Men's Bible study, Women's Bible Study, Youth Discipleship, Children's Choir, Preschool Choir, and Nursery - something for the whole family! Keep an…
We Over Me - Letters of Hope from Revelation A 9-Session Study from Whitney Capps It’s not about you. (And what a relief.) It’s easy to get frustrated with the local church—we see the people…
Ladies! Join us on Sunday evenings for prayer & worship! We will meet at 5pm in Room WC101. Led by Stephanie Cheak