We are so glad you are here!
Here at Grace, we want to encourage you, challenge you to be more like Jesus Christ,
and help you find a place to serve our great God.
We hope you will feel comfortable and at home when you visit
– and that our love for The Lord would be most evident.
Below is a list of common questions those unfamiliar with Grace usually ask.
If you have any further questions, or would like more information,
give us a call: 985.643.6017
Sunday School meets at 9:15AM followed by Worship at 10:30 AM.
Common elements of our worship gatherings include our choir, orchestra, praise team, drama, both hymns and newer praise and worship songs followed by a message from our pastor.
We’ve found the key to meaningful relationships and spiritual growth is in small groups. On Sundays we gather in Bible Study groups that meet at 9:15 am. Find a group that fits you and get involved!
Church attendees’ clothing varies from jeans to suits. Feel free to come dressed anywhere in between.