Homework Club
Youth RoomEvery Thursday in October! You bring the homework, we'll provide the snacks!
When You Pray – Women’s Bible Study
Fellowship HallWhen You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible Prayer is a gift - an invitation to talk to God. In God’s word we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.…
The Man Church – Men’s Bible Study
GMBC Worship CenterHomework Club
Youth RoomEvery Thursday in October! You bring the homework, we'll provide the snacks!
When You Pray – Women’s Bible Study
Fellowship HallWhen You Pray: A Study of Six Prayers in the Bible Prayer is a gift - an invitation to talk to God. In God’s word we encounter many voices who teach us how to pray.…
The Man Church – Men’s Bible Study
GMBC Worship CenterHomework Club
Youth RoomEvery Thursday in October! You bring the homework, we'll provide the snacks!
Fall Into Fellowship – Ladies Social
Women of Grace! We invite you to join us for an enchanting evening of camaraderie and connection at our "Fall into Fellowship" Ladies Social event on Thursday, October 19th, from 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM.…
Men of God BBQ
Fellowship HallCome One, Come All... MEN! Join us for our next Men of God BBQ! We'll gather together to fellowship and eat some good grub. Bring a friend - first timers eat for free! Friday, October…