Thursday Women’s Bible Study
New Study Begins Thursday, January 11th, 10am. Led by Elizabeth Hanna In the Fellowship Hall Ladies, join us for a new study from Dr. David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance In Dr. Jeremiah’s latest prophecy…
New Study Begins Thursday, January 11th, 10am. Led by Elizabeth Hanna In the Fellowship Hall Ladies, join us for a new study from Dr. David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance In Dr. Jeremiah’s latest prophecy…
Come One, Come All... MEN! Join us for our next Men of God BBQ! We'll gather together to fellowship and eat some good grub. Bring a friend - first timers eat for free! Friday, March…
We will vote, without discussion, on Sunday, March 3rd, during our regular Sunday morning service. Copies of the proposed budget will be available starting Sunday, February 18th.
Meets Sundays, 5-6pm in the Worship Center. Join me as we look at what it means to be a man in God’s Kingdom. No homework, no textbook except your Bible. This is a discussion-based meeting.…
Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take…
New Study Begins Thursday, January 11th, 10am. Led by Elizabeth Hanna In the Fellowship Hall Ladies, join us for a new study from Dr. David Jeremiah - The Great Disappearance In Dr. Jeremiah’s latest prophecy…
Meets Sundays, 5-6pm in the Worship Center. Join me as we look at what it means to be a man in God’s Kingdom. No homework, no textbook except your Bible. This is a discussion-based meeting.…
Jesus and Women: In the First Century and Now Imagine walking the dusty roads of Galilee with Jesus of Nazareth—braving jostling crowds just to touch the edge of His cloak and hear Him say, “Take…
On Sunday nights, we gather to grow together in the Lord. We have men's Bible study, Women's Bible Study, Youth Discipleship, Children's Choir, Preschool Choir, and Nursery - something for the whole family! Keep an…
Ladies! Do you sew, knit, or crochet? Join us in the Fellowship Hall the second Monday of each month, from 10am to 2pm. Check your GMBC Newletter each week for any potential changes. For more…